
Loma Alta

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Hiking in Donna's Hometown

Loma Alta from Camp Tamarancho, Fairfax

Day 9 on the trail: Shafter bridge at the Inkwells to near White's Hill in Fairfax

Parts of maps used on this leg:



We hiked in the territory of Donna's youth. She rambled over these trails while growing up in the hills of Fairfax, falling in love with hiking, viewing and tree-climbing!

We were joined by lots of Donna's family, as they were excited to hike on trails not often traveled, even though they are in their backyards.

We got on the Ridge Trail up the hill from Shafter Bridge, and hiked in the fog through the open grasslands.

By the time we got up a bit higher, we saw the junipers and scrubby manzanita and rocky-lichen terrain of the ridge by White's Hill.

The finish was off the Ridge Trail proper, as we wanted to end up in the home of Donna's mom, where Donna grew up, which is just down the trail from the Boy Scout's "Camp Tamarancho."