
Loma Alta

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Sun on Coyote Ridge

Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend, 2016
Trail near Harvey Bear Ranch

Today we walked along Coyote Ridge from Harvey Bear Ranch south to Mendoza Ranch on a gorgeous Sunday after a rainy Saturday night. Our walk started with this ominous warning, below: the head of a mountain lion is almost as high as a bike's handlebars.

The views of the Santa Clara valley today were spectacular from the top of this eleven-year-old county park. The Calaveras Fault cuts through a landscape of rolling hills dotted with oaks and buckeyes. We saw several feral pigs, as well as deer, squirrels, red-tailed hawks, and from the road heading back out of the park, several wild turkeys. It was a perfect day to be out on the wonderful Bay Area Ridge Trail! In the photo below, we can see much of our circuit to the west and north.

Below, curly fungus at the base of an oak tree.

Photos of all of our BART hikes are here: https://photoenthusiast.smugmug.com/Other-1